
The mango is regarded as the king of fruits. It is a long-time favourite of humans and thrives primarily in tropical settings. Many critical vitamins and minerals are found in both mango and mango juice, sometimes referred to as "aam ras," which are necessary for a healthy human body. Because mangos are naturally quite sweet, there is no need to add sugar to them, which makes them incredibly healthy. Mangoes are a rich source of vitamin C, beta carotene, potassium, iron, and many other nutrients that support the body's overall health while assisting in the fight against illnesses. The exotic fruit, famed for its delectable and divine taste, is invigorating and nourishing and is savoured best in the summer. Mangoes come in many distinct types, from sweet to sour, and their juices have a variety of tastes. Because it is potassium-rich and aids in muscle growth and regeneration, the juice is a favourite among bodybuilders and sportsmen.

The best type of mangoes to use:

·         Use a mango with a bit less string in the flesh and one that is juicy.

·         Also, using the mango when it is quite ripe is preferable. Use mangoes that are ripe enough for the skin to be beginning to turn dark.

·         But, stay away from any that have split or bruised skin because the mango pulp within may be decaying.

·         Pick the mangoes when they are almost ripe if you have access to mango trees, then let them ripen inside. This would prevent birds from selecting them as they ripen, causing them to fall on the ground, where they would decay.

Benefits of mango juice:

Mango juice

 Mango is the true monarch of fruits. It is not only delicious, but it also has many wonderful health advantages. It is abundant in vitamins including Vitamin C, minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients. Its health advantages include lowering the risk of several malignancies, preventing diabetes, enhancing heart and digestive health, immunity, and eye health.

1. Maintains Blood Pressure and Cholesterol:

Mango juice recipe

 Magnesium and potassium, two substances that help to control blood pressure in the body, are abundant in mango juice. Daily consumption of mango juice can help one stay healthy, maintain normal blood pressure, and control hypertension. Mango juice also ensures that the body has enough liquid to maintain equilibrium. Due to the presence of vitamin D, pectin, and fibre in mango juice, those who have high blood pressure can get relief from their condition. Moreover, mango juice provides the body with the necessary amount of vitamin C, decreasing dangerous cholesterol levels. Together, pectin and vitamin C help the body lower its levels of blood cholesterol, particularly low-density lipoprotein.

2. Keeps You Healthy:


 It's crucial to make informed meal choices that are high in energy and nutrients and low in fat if you want to maintain your fitness and strengthen your muscles properly. Mangoes and their juice should be consumed in moderation if you want to stay healthy. Mango juice aids in the body's conversion of starch into sugar, which aids in gaining mass.

3. Aids in Preventing Anemia:

Mango juice

In women and children, anemia is a prevalent medical condition. It is brought on by a lack of iron in the diet. Consuming meals high in iron, which aid in the formation of the blood protein hemoglobin, is crucial to preventing anemia, which has a number of other diseases as a result. Mango juice, when frequently consumed, can significantly raise hemoglobin levels and is one of the foods that reduce anemia. Medical research and investigations have established that low iron levels in the body contribute to symptoms such as shortness of breath, lightheadedness, irregular menstruation, cramping muscles, anxiety disorders, stress, and heart-related illnesses.

4. Bone Strengthening:

mango juice

A glass of mango juice also contains vitamin B6, flavonoids, and other nutrients that, when regularly ingested, can support healthy, strong bones. Moreover, the antioxidant protection for the bones is provided by the vitamin A and antioxidants found in mango.

5.Helps In Digestion:

Mango juice recipe

 It is stated that mango juice is excellent for digestion. The fiber in mango juice normalizes digestion, aids in overcoming acidity issues, and promotes efficient digestion. The stomach is supposed to feel cooler after consuming mango juice. The quantity of malic, tartaric, and citric acids in the juice aids in preserving the digestive tract's alkalinity. Moreover, it soothes nausea and vomiting. When mango juice is combined with milk, one can also overcome constipation since the milk's enzymes break down complex proteins into simpler ones, promoting correct digestion and resulting in normal stools.

6.Increases Immunity:


Mango juice, which is rich in carotenoids, vitamins, and minerals, is fantastic for babies and young children since it strengthens their immune as they grow. Children's immunity levels are lowered with each change in season, so it is crucial to include mango juice in their diet. Together with boosting energy levels, it aids the immune system in repairing and regenerating the body's defence against diseases and infections. A glass of mango juice must be consumed every day to strengthen and raise the body's defences.

7.Helps in Getting Glowing Skin:

mango juice recipe

Who in today's world doesn't want healthy, vibrant, and glossy skin? Unfortunately, though, it is quite challenging to reach the goal because of bad living and environmental conditions. Individuals frequently use dangerous substances, which do more long-term harm to the skin than good. So, it is crucial to utilise natural products, which are a surefire way to stop skin conditions. Daily mango juice consumption not only gives the body nutrients, but also improves the texture of the skin. For radiant skin, mango pulp can be applied externally in addition to being consumed and drunk daily.

8.Boosts Memory:


 Our brains appear to switch to sleep mode in the modern environment where everything is regulated electronically. Vital organs must function properly for the body to function as it should. Fresh mango juice should be consumed to improve memory, especially in young children, and to keep the brain active and awake. Mangoes contain large amounts of the amino acid glutamine, which keeps brain cells functioning and improves memory and focus.

9.Relieves Heat Stroke:


 Due to extreme dehydration, many people get sick throughout the summer. Mangoes, on the other hand, can reduce heat exhaustion and dehydration. Also soothing the interior organs greatly is its cooling action. Pectin, which is abundant in raw, green mangoes, is a fantastic treatment for people who are experiencing heat exhaustion. To treat dehydration, just boil raw mangoes, mix salt and water into the pulp, and then drink the "aam panna." Sunstroke may even be fatal if not treated in a timely manner.


Mango juice recipe

Peel and chop mangoes:

 1. Start by giving the mangoes a thorough rinse under running water. Use a fresh kitchen towel to dry them. Peel the skins with a peeler or a sharp knife. Slice upward and towards the narrower end of each mango, starting at the bottom, to remove the skin while preserving as much of the flesh as you can.

TIP: Soak mangoes in water in a bowl or skillet for a couple of hours to lessen their heating properties.

2. After that, cut the mangoes and throw the stone away. Slice off sizable sections from both sides of the stone before attempting to extract the meat from the middle pit. Place them on the cutting board after scraping or slicing through the leftover meat. Slices and scrapings should be tiny pieces.

Make mango juice:

 1. Place the blender with the diced mangoes in it.

2. Mix until uniform. If you'd like, add a little amount of water or milk (dairy or plant-based) to thin the mixture somewhat and create a flowing, runny juice. Mango juice can be made into an icy smoothie-like beverage by adding a few ice cubes.

3. You can either serve the fresh juice right away or chill it in the fridge. Feel free to add your preferred juice or smoothie garnishes, such as finely chopped nuts, seasonal fruit, herbs, or seeds.

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